• The Power of Creativity: The Second Annual Social Art and Design Symposium

  • The Power of Creativity: The Second Annual Social Art and Design Symposium
    “The Power of Creativity: Celebrating Berlin’s Freedom, Diversity, and Cultural Participation” is happening on the 7th of June, 18:00-21:00.

    The SRH Berlin School of Design and Communication (BSDC) in partnership with the iNNSIDE by Melia Hotel Berlin Mitte
    The MA Social Design and Sustainable Innovation from presents the second annual Social Art & Design Symposium and the Institute for Art and Innovation, extend this invitation to all of Berlin’s citizens and visitors not just to observe, but to participate in imaginings of our collective future in the city and beyond.

    The event will feature three panel discussions on the themes of Freedom, Diversity, and Cultural Participation, and how these fields are interwoven in the City of Berlin. Each panel will host two to four expert speakers
    that will share their experience and expertise, and invite audiences to participate.

    As part of the collaboration with the Melia Hotel, the event will also feature a Vernissage of works by young artists from SRH Berlin, who have been invited to paint murals on six floors of the hotel.

    To attend our event please register for free on the eventbrite page here:

    And if you want to learn more about it, please visit the instagram page: @socialartsocialdesign

    The SRH Design students

    The logo

    The banner
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