cosma shiva hagenPortrait

  • Uploaded by in Acryl_2 on 07/02/2015

    02. Juli 2015
    Cosma Shiva Hagen, Acryl Malerei von RiCH-ARt, 20cm x 20cm (Keilrahmen, 100% Leinen, 350g/m²)

    Cosma Shiva Hagen, Acrylic Painting by RiCH-ARt, 7,87" x 7,87" (Canvas, 100% Linen, 350g/m²)

Title Cosma Shiva Hagen
Material, Technique Acrylic
Dimension 20cm x 20 cm
Year, Location 02. Juli 2015
Info 1726 10 33 1 4.6 of 6 - 7 votes
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